Huddles Resources


June - Celebration

“The Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot.”
St Augustine of Hippo

May - guidance

“It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” Acts 15:28

APRIL - Confession

“In acts of confession, we release the power that heals. Our humanity is no longer denied but transformed.” - Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

March - submission

Jesus' teaching on submission is radically counter-cultural. It says that we are caught up in the great story that God is telling which, ultimately, isn't about us. 

FEBRUARY - Service

Richard Foster lists a number of ways that we can serve each other. During February, we’re going to explore a different one each week and try to put it into practice.

January - Simplicity

During the first two weeks of January, we’ll focus on developing an inner-attitude of simplicity. In the last two weeks, we’ll put it into practice.

DECEMBER - Studying Scripture

This month our practice is studying scripture. Each week of December we’re going to be watching a short video, produced by the Bible Project, that will help us explore the meaning of a keyword in scripture.

NOVEMBER - Fasting

We fast to strip away the distractions and help us focus on Jesus. It exposes parts of our character, helps us to reassess our priorities and be more deliberate about spending time with Jesus through the day. 

October - Meditating on Scripture

When we meditate we become aware of the presence of Jesus and allow Him to speak to us. It’s this attentiveness to His voice that is the beginning of discipleship and where we begin our year together.

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