Lou Hall Hardship Fund

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Through a generous legacy from the late Lou Hall, we're pleased to be able to launch the 'Lou Hall Hardship Fund'. This fund is intended to support those known to our church community facing financial crisis with one-off financial support. On this page you’ll find information about who’s eligible, how awards can be applied for and then given.

Who can access the fund?

The Lou Hall Hardship Fund can be accessed by referral from a church member. Those being referred must live in North Liverpool with preference given to those living closest to Clubmoor. Church members can apply on behalf of families or individuals through completion of the application form below, detailing the difficulties the people are experiencing and why they require this one-off financial support. We won't provide financial support to those experiencing either active addiction or in recovery but not attending recovery meetings regularly. We will, however, purchase items applied for on their behalf. Due to limited funds we regret we cannot support families or individuals on-going needs such as food or utility bills. We are also unable to support applications from organisations.

Award Criteria and assessment

 Once received an application will be assessed against the following criteria: 

  • Is this an exceptional circumstance?

  • Is this one-off support going to make a difference to the family or individuals? i.e. it is not an ongoing need?

  • Is the family/individual facing a genuine crisis and will the items requested lessen this?

  • Is the amount of funding reasonable in relation to the items requested? If not, we may consider providing part-funding.

If there is not enough detail provided on the application form to assess whether the above criteria has been met, then we will contact you for further information.

Items unlikely to be funded:

  • We are unable to fund items such as laptops, (unless there is a very compelling case to do so).

  • Business expenses

Successful Applications

Payments will be made either in cash or through bank transfer

  • The beneficiary must sign to say they have received the grant, this must be either e-mailed back to simonh@standrewslive.org.uk or hand delivered to St Andrew’s Community Network (16 Larkhill Lane, L13 9BR) within 10 days of receipt of the grant.

  • We expect applications to be under £300 though in exceptional circumstances we may consider applications that exceed this amount.

Decision making process

Referrals made are either in person (for less than £30) or through the form below (over £30). People can apply 3 times a year for under £30 or once a year for over that amount. Applications can be made either to the St Andrew’s Community Network offices.